Saturday, November 13, 2010

What Made America Great

I love reading the writings of the Founding Fathers. These where men that suffered under a monarchy who believed any possession was theirs for the taking. When Jefferson says, "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.", it was because he got to see it in action. These men saw the British Empire hire Hessian (German) soldiers because their own troops were too busy collecting taxes from the rest of the world. When you read the writings of the Founding Fathers, you see a disciplined system where the Government was kept on a short leash because they got to see what the world looks like when the chain is removed from the dog and the spoils are set before this hungry animal.

We have fought two wars and won them, not so much using our military might but by using our industrial muscle! Since the end of the second world war, we have been steadily outsourcing our industries. In his farewell speech, Eisenhower warned of the "Military Industrial Complex" and war becoming an industry of its own. Is this the reason for Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War and now Iraq, Afghanistan and soon Iran? Is American guilty of making a business of war?  Is this why it seems the only secure employment in today's America is working for a government military contractor?

We no longer sew garments together. We sent those jobs to countries that allow what is slavery. We don't build electronics anymore, we have that done elsewhere. Christmas morning will see toys under the tree that were made in Pakistan, India, China and Taiwan. When the Forth of July comes we will be waving the glorious American flag's that were made in China, just like the fireworks. When  WWIII comes we will have to fight it without the industries we could depend on to fight the last two World Wars. We will be fighting this war against countries that we jettisoned our industries to. We will do it without that huge tax base that these industries  commanded to fund the last two World Wars. In essence, we will lose the next World War. Why? Because we decided to hire Hessian soldiers (laborers) because we are too busy, lazy and greedy to do it ourselves, just like the British we fought a Revolutionary War against.

What made America Great was that we were not going to follow anyone. We were going to lead! We were once the crowned jewel of industry, of freedom, of human rights and liberty. 

But now, for some undeclared reason the USA has decided to follow Europe in industry, banking and liberty. Europe, the land of Empires, Kings and Tyrants. I thought we learned this lesson!? But I suppose we must repeat history in its futile attempts to rule humanity. So for the first time we have an American President who bows before Royalty. The United States of America should not be bowing to anyone!

So, where do we see today's America headed? 

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